Here's for the March 2007 Promotion!
24 pcs Vanilla buttercake with following fillings:6 pcs of strawberry filling and french buttercream
6 pcs of blueberry filling and french buttercream
6 pcs of Mocha cream filling and french buttercream
6 pcs of Cream cheese filling and lemon cream cheese buttercream
All this for RM48.00Order now to avoid dissapoinment! :)
Thanks for last week orders:- Linda Tan (WKESP,Cyberjaya) thanks for your support! Dah banyak kali order ni; Kak Balqis (SME Bank, KL), Puteri (Lim Kok Wing, Cyberjaya), Abang Awie (Mesiniaga), Kak Linda & Kak Rin (Exim Bank, KL) ni pun supporter terbaik! Toche!!!!; Fairy (Shell, Cyberjaya), Carol, Anis, Sarah Tan and Nadia (WKESP, Cyberjaya), Hartini & Fiza (Putrajaya). Thanks a million!!! You guys a very great supporter!!!

Hantaran pertunangan Fiza (Putrajaya). Actually Fiza request for fresh strawberry topper. Tapi malangnya, dah cari kat Mydin, Carrefour, Jusco, Giant and kedai buah yang lain semua takde stok. Jadi ganti lah dengar flower sugar.

Cupcakes ordered by Kak Linda (Exim Bank) sempena hari kekasih. hehhehehe.. kasi sape? Jeng Jeng Jeng

Yang ni.. erkk! tak ingat siapa punya yer... ermmm...

2Kg Moist Choc Cake for Shell, Cyberjaya. They ordered 2 big cake!

And, this 2Kg Moist Choc Cake with cream cheese buttercream ordered by Carol for Australian Team B, Adrian's Birthday.